Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Independence Day

I love this holiday! Summertime, family, picnics, fireworks! How can you beat such a combination! Our town started a town-wide celebration over the 4th of July many, many years ago in order to keep people (and their money!) in town over the holiday. We have enjoyed the almost week-long festivities for years. The festival is called SummerFair. So far, we have attended a parade, enjoyed an Ice Cream Social, and free miniature golfing. Tonight we will attend a homeschool drama troup's production of Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing (read about it here in our local paper) starring two of my (talented) children, a band concert tomorrow morning(with another of my talented children playing trumpet), fireworks tomorrow night and on Sunday night, a free symphony concert with the very wonderful Stuart Malina and the Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra.

Although fun and games are certainly on our agenda, I like to take some time over this holiday to remember why we celebrate it. Have you ever actually read the Declaration of Independence? Do you know the great sacrifices the signers made for our freedom? One of the signers was Benjamin Rush. On Sunday evening our family will sit on Rush campus at Dickinson College and enjoy the symphony. I am grateful that we can sit in freedom together with friends, enjoying a picnic supper while visiting and listening to beautiful music.

Take a moment to read the Declaration of Independence and reflect on what our Founding Fathers gave us 232 years ago.

Happy 4th!

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