Friday, February 13, 2009

Come to me

Come to me all you that labor and are burdened, and I will refresh you. Take up my yoke upon you, and learn of me, because I am meek, and humble of heart: And you shall find rest to your souls. For my yoke is sweet and my burden light.
Matthew 11:28-30

This Lord of ours is so anxious that we should desire him
and strive after his companionship
that he calls us ceaselessly, time after time,
to approach him; and this voice of his is so sweet.

St. Teresa of Avila, 16th century

Friday, February 6, 2009

Ronald Wilson Reagan

Ronald Wilson Reagan
February 6, 1911 - June 5, 2004

Remembering this great President on his birthday . . .

Click here for a lovely photo memorial.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

What I Love About the Catholic Church - 1

From Fr. Dwight Longenecker's blog, Standing on My Head -

OK, Here goes a whimsical series about what I love about the Catholic Church. Some posts will be one liners. Others long winded. Some serious, others not so. They're in no particular order, either logically or of priority of importance. I hope you enjoy them. Why not tell others to tune in? I'm trying to boost my readership...

I love the Catholic Church because it is for brainy, sophisticated, cultured, artistic people and it is also for those who are not. It is a church for haute couture and hoi polloi. You can enjoy a Raphael Madonna or a plastic bottle of holy water shaped like the Blessed Virgin with a crown for a cap that unscrews. You can appreciate a picture of the Last Supper painted by Leonardo on the wall of a refectory in Florence or one painted by number on black velvet and hanging in a trailer. You can study the philosophy of St Thomas Aquinas or be an imbecile and still be a good Catholic. Nobody's excluded, in fact to really stand everything on its head, a good Catholic has to consider the peasant, the holy fool, the child, the tasteless ignoramus and the devout ditz to actually perhaps and possibly being closer to heaven than the smart, the rich, the tasteful, the privileged, the powerful and the educated ones. Indeed, to enter the kingdom of heaven one has to become like a little child.

Read the rest here.